SD61, Pulling Together: Equity in Action Conference

SmartLearning 2020: You have a very smart brain: the power of setting stretch goals for tasks, using inclusive processes to analyze text, and reflecting to find evidence of meeting goals. (Grades 4-8)
- Session One - Presentation Slides - Powerpoint
- Thinking Log 2 - Slide Deck - Powerpoint
- You Have a Very Smart Brain - Developing Understanding of the Brain and Learning using a Read-aloud and the SL Thinking Log - PDF
- Scaffolded Thinking Log Process for use during a Read-aloud (either in class or online) - PDF
- Thinking Log - Open with Goal-setting before Reading - PDF
- Thinking Log for Applying Skills & Knowledge during Facilitated Independent Reading or during a Read-aloud Process - PDF
SmartLearning 2020: The Power of Rich Texts, Open Tasks, and Inclusive Cognitive Processes (Grades 4-8)
- Session Two - Presentation Slides - Powerpoint
- Feathers and Fools Whole Class Sequence - Powerpoint
- Image-a-time when... (concept anlysis from three perspectives-personal experience, witness, helper) - PDF
- ASK-6 to 9 Skills & Competenices Continuum set out in Achievement Bands - PDF
- Feathers and Fools Lesson Sequence - PDF
- Thinking Log - Open with Goal-setting before Reading - PDF
- Thinking Log for Applying Skills & Knowledge during Facilitated Independent Reading or during a Read-aloud process - PDF
- Thinking Log - Read-aloud, Idea-sketch and Tagline with Goal Setting and Reflection - PDF
- Thinking Log - Weaving with Clues into Prediction - PDF
The Power of Talk to Build Equity, Voice, and Student Engagement Across All Content Areas. SmartLearning 2020 (Grades 9-12)
Materials: Coming Soon
Aligning Text, Tasks, Tools and Assessment for Deeper Learning in Secondary
Materials: Coming Soon